Painting Tips

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The idea of painting your house is often accompanied by overwhelmed feelings, because it is just one of those home improvement tasks that is better left to the pros. The Handyman Company is glad to take that load off your shoulders and do the job for you. However, for smaller painting projects, or for general paint maintenance, you can certainly apply the DIY method. Consider the following painting tips that you can practice at home.

Prep Work (what to do before The Handyman Company painter arrives):

  • Paint won’t stick very well if walls are dirty. It is best practice to clean them first using soap and water, rinse with just water, and of course dry thoroughly.
  • The ceilings also need to be maintained before the painting begins. Also, use an old paintbrush to clean the baseboards. This will help the painter’s tape to stick better, which means cleaner lines.
  • Avoid covering the floor area with plastic sheets because this can be very slippery. Old sheets, fabric tarps, or drop clothes are ideal for protecting your floor from paint splatters and drips.


  • Make sure that the color you choose will blend well with the one that has been previously applied on the walls, and this is only if you can’t purchase the exact match paint color. Keep in mind that there are numerous shades of white, all of which are slightly different from each other.
  • If your wall has a flashing problem (more imperfections are visible when looking at the wall from one side), then it is best to paint the wall entirely.

Leftover Paint:

  • If there is any paint leftover once the job is done, make sure to save and store it properly so that you can access it easily for future touch-ups. Portion the remainder of the paint into mason jars, which will seal tightly and allow you to see the color that’s inside. In addition, make sure to label each jar accordingly.
  • Store the jars in a cool, dry area, away from direct sunlight.